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BRENDA support

TaxTree Explorer

Details for Fibrisoma limi BUZ 3
NCBI 1185876
  1. Fibrisoma limi strain BUZ 3
  2. Fibrisoma limi str. BUZ 3
  3. Flexibacteraceae bacterium BUZ 3
TaxTree Browser
9 subitems Archaea can be found in Brenda BRENDA pathways(superkingdom)
Bacteria can be found in Brenda BRENDA pathways(superkingdom)
2 subitems Aquificae can be found in Brenda BRENDA pathways(phylum)
3 subitems Chlorobi can be found in Brenda BRENDA pathways(phylum)
2 subitems Myxococcota (phylum)
20 subitems Eukaryota can be found in Brenda BRENDA pathways(superkingdom)
35 subitems Viruses (superkingdom)