C120A inactive mutant 714217 C71S mutagenesis of cysteine residues in the putative active site HC(X) 5 R motif leads to nearly complete loss of both phosphatase and arsenate reductase activities 694407 additional information catalytic domain of Cdc25B is expressed in bacteria. Cdc25B shows arsenate reductase activity. Enzyme reduces inorganic arsenate but not methylated pentavalent arsenicals. Alteration of either the cysteine and arginine residues of the Cys-X5-Arg motif leads to the loss of both reductase and phosphatase activities 714217 R126A inactive mutant 714217 R60A site-directed muatgenesis, crystal structure determination and analysis with bound arsenite, formation of a covalent and more stableCys12-thiol-dihydroxyarsenite intermediate compared to the wild-type enzyme, resulting in slow release of product and loss of activity 660461 R60K site-directed muatgenesis, crystal structure determination and analysis with bound arsenite, formation of a covalent and more stableCys12-thiol-dihydroxyarsenite intermediate compared to the wild-type enzyme, resulting in slow release of product and loss of activity 660461