acidic peroxidase, acidic POD, ALSP, AnaPX, anionic isoperoxidase, anionic peroxidase A1, AOPTP, basic peroxidase, basic POD, BCcP, black radish peroxidase A, black radish peroxidase B, BRP-A, BRP-B, cationic peroxidase, cationic peroxidase Cs, class III plant peroxidase, CmMnP, constitutive peroxidase, CP, cPOD-I, CYP119, dehaloperoxidase A, dehaloperoxidase B, DHP A, donor: H2O2 oxidoreductase, donor: hydrogen peroxide oxidoreductase, donor:hydrogen peroxide oxidoreductase, DtpA, ECPOX, ELP, eosinophil peroxidase, EPO, extensin peroxidase, extracellular peroxidase, FP1, Fp2, FP3, GCP1, GCP2, guaiacol peroxidase, H2O2 oxidoreductase, Hb peroxidase, Hb1, heme peroxidase, hemoglobin 1, hexacoordinate (class 1) non-symbiotic hemoglobin, horseradisch peroxidase, horseradish peroxidase, horseradish peroxidase (HRP), horseradish peroxidase C, HRP, HRP A2, HRP C1A, HRPO, HRP_A2A, HRP_C1A, HRP_E5, hydrogen donor oxidoreductase, Japanese radish peroxidase, lactoperoxidase, LPO, LPRX, LPS, MAP-2744c, MGP, MnP124076, MPO, myeloperoxidase, neutral peroxidase, neutral POD, NGO_0994, nsHb-1, oxyperoxidase, p20, PA1, PerII, peroxidase, peroxidase isoenzyme E5, POC1, POD, POD1, POII, POX, POX I, POX II, POX2, protoheme peroxidase, Prx1, Prx114, Prx15, pyrocatechol peroxidase, QPO, quinol peroxidase, rPOD-II, RPTP, rubrerythrin, SacD, SBP, scavengase, scopoletin peroxidase, SfmD, short PMnP, SPC4, Ssp, stigma-specific peroxidase, thiocyanate peroxidase, thiol peroxidase, TOP, TP I, Tpx, tyrosine-coordinated heme protein, vacuolar class III peroxidase, vascular peroxidase 1, verdoperoxidase, versatile peroxidase, versatile peroxidase VPL2, VP, VPO1, WPTP - -, 658148, 658573, 658607, 658958, 659059, 659307, 659637, 659979, 660340, 663194, 666061, 671393, 671394, 672241, 672519, 673542, 674137, 675644, 676374, 684182, 684225, 684412, 684531, 684943, 685350, 685671, 685761, 686088, 686815, 686840, 686842, 686846, 687230, 687246, 687940, 687953, 688116, 688317, 688396, 688465, 688666, 688667, 689651, 689894, 695575, 695576, 695687, 695785, 696298, 696482, 696500, 696779, 697530, 698044, 698048, 698271, 698420, 698432, 698475, 698486, 698897, 698919, 698947, 699011, 699269, 699519, 699769, 700684, 700707, 701107, 701260, 701263, 701318, 710744, 711160, 711361, 711550, 712056, 712063, 712224, 712226, 712228, 712714, 712717, 713470, 713517, 724110, 724400, 724412, 725055, 725088, 725143, 725185, 725338, 725507, 726432, 741641, 742140, 742340, 742414, 742703, 743044, 743147, 743746, 743812, 758352, 763934, 764054, 764696, 764865, 765164, 765706, 765719 HP acidic isoform, type A 658137 rHRP1 apo-horseradish peroxidase constituted with the artificial prostethic group heminD1 696482 rHRP2 apo-horseradish peroxidase constituted with the artificial prostethic group heminD2 696482 hemoglobin peroxidase as a hemoprotein, hemoglobin can, in the presence of H2O2, act as a peroxidase 698947 additional information cf. EC -, 765706 MnP13 gene name, UniProt -, 765706 HRPC isoenzyme C 658234 HRP-C isoenzyme C of horseradish peroxidase 684943 Prx02, Prx03, Prx06, Prx07, Prx09, Prx1, Prx11, Prx12, Prx13, Prx17, Prx21, Prx22, Prx27, Prx28, Prx30, Prx31, Prx32, Prx33, Prx34, Prx36, Prx37, Prx39, Prx42, Prx43, Prx45, Prx49, Prx50, Prx51, Prx52, Prx53, Prx55, Prx56, Prx57, Prx58, Prx59, Prx60, Prx62, Prx64, Prx66, Prx67, Prx68, Prx69, Prx70, Prx71, Prx72, Prx73 isoform 699269 cPOD-I, ECPOX 1, ECPOX 2, ECPOX 3, HRPC, rPOD-II, VPO1, VPO2 isozyme 695687, 698048, 700707, 724412 Saci_2081 locus name -, 725185, 725338 Prx1 major class III peroxidase with anhydrovinblastine synthase activity 689607 royal palm tree peroxidase member of the class III peroxidases 684182 HTHP peroxidase and catalase activity 699519 rhEPO recombinant human eosinophil peroxidase 671853 Tpx Tpx is an atypical 2-Cys peroxiredoxin 710744 horseradish peroxidase type VI 695575