ADP-D-ribosyl-(dinitrogen reductase) component of nitrogenase complex enzyme is sensitive to the redox-state of the (Fe4S4) cluster of substrate protein, having less than 2% of activity with oxidized Fe protein compared to reduced Fe protein Rhodospirillum rubrum ADP-ribose + (dinitrogen reductase) component of nitrogenase complex - ? 384129 ADP-D-ribosyl-(dinitrogen reductase) component of nitrogenase complex + H2O - Azospirillum brasilense ADP-ribose + (dinitrogen reductase) component of nitrogenase complex - ? 390166 ADP-D-ribosyl-(dinitrogen reductase) component of nitrogenase complex + H2O - Rhodospirillum rubrum ADP-ribose + (dinitrogen reductase) component of nitrogenase complex - ? 390166 ADP-D-ribosyl-(dinitrogen reductase) component of nitrogenase complex + H2O ADP-ribosylation of initrogenase reductase (NifH) occurs in response to addition of ammonium to the extracellular medium and is mediated by dinitrogenase reductase ADP-ribosyltransferase (DraT) and reversed by dinitrogenase reductase glycohydrolase (DraG). The PII protein GlnZ is implicated in regulation DraG. DraG binds to both the uridylylated and deuridylylated forms of GlnZ Azospirillum brasilense ADP-ribose + (dinitrogen reductase) component of nitrogenase complex - ? 390166 ADP-D-ribosyl-(dinitrogen reductase) component of nitrogenase complex + H2O nitrogenase activity in Rhodospirillum rubrum is post-translationally regulated by DRAG (dinitrogenase reductase glycohydrolase) and DRAT (dinitrogenase reductase ADP-ribosylation transferase). When a sudden increase in fixed nitrogen concentration or energy depletion is sensed by the cells, DRAG is inactivated and DRAT activated Rhodospirillum rubrum ADP-ribose + (dinitrogen reductase) component of nitrogenase complex - ? 390166 ADP-D-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] - Rhodospirillum rubrum ADP-D-ribose + [dinitrogen reductase] - ? 430859 ADP-D-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] component of nitrogenase complex - Rhodobacter capsulatus ADPribose + [dinitrogen reductase] component of nitrogenase complex - ? 361322 ADP-D-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] component of nitrogenase complex - Azospirillum brasilense ADPribose + [dinitrogen reductase] component of nitrogenase complex - ? 361322 ADP-D-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] component of nitrogenase complex - Rhodospirillum rubrum ADPribose + [dinitrogen reductase] component of nitrogenase complex - ? 361322 ADP-D-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] component of nitrogenase complex - Gloeothece sp. ADPribose + [dinitrogen reductase] component of nitrogenase complex - ? 361322 ADP-D-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] component of nitrogenase complex - Azospirillum lipoferum ADPribose + [dinitrogen reductase] component of nitrogenase complex - ? 361322 ADP-D-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] component of nitrogenase complex i.e. component II or Fe-protein, one of the two identical subunits of dinitrogen reductase Rhodospirillum rubrum ADPribose + [dinitrogen reductase] component of nitrogenase complex - ? 361322 ADP-D-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] component of nitrogenase complex i.e. component II or Fe-protein, one of the two identical subunits of dinitrogen reductase Rhodospirillum rubrum UR2 ADPribose + [dinitrogen reductase] component of nitrogenase complex - ? 361322 ADP-D-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] component of nitrogenase complex - Rhodospirillum rubrum UR2 ADPribose + [dinitrogen reductase] component of nitrogenase complex - ? 361322 ADP-D-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] component of nitrogenase complex - Azospirillum brasilense Sp7 ADPribose + [dinitrogen reductase] component of nitrogenase complex - ? 361322 ADP-D-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] component of nitrogenase complex - Azospirillum lipoferum SpBr17 ADPribose + [dinitrogen reductase] component of nitrogenase complex - ? 361322 ADP-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] + H2O - Azospirillum brasilense ADP-ribose + [dinitrogen reductase] - ? 410707 ADP-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] + H2O - Rhodospirillum rubrum ADP-ribose + [dinitrogen reductase] - ? 410707 ADP-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] + H2O DraG removes ADP-ribose upon exposure of the bacteria to light or depletion of the nitrogen source added, regenerating the arginine guanidino group and activating the dinitrogenase reductase dimer Rhodospirillum rubrum ADP-ribose + [dinitrogen reductase] - ? 410707 ADP-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] + H2O substrate is the Azospirillum brasilense dinitrogenase, DraG on Arg101, modeling of the binding of the substrate ADP-ribosyl moiety to DraG, active site structure, overview Azospirillum brasilense ADP-ribose + [dinitrogen reductase] - ? 410707 ADP-ribosylated Fe-protein - Azospirillum brasilense ADP-D-ribose + Fe-protein - ? 446099 ADP-ribosylated Fe-protein - Azospirillum brasilense FP2 ADP-D-ribose + Fe-protein - ? 446099 additional information no substrate: dinitrogen reductase from Anabaena variabilis Rhodospirillum rubrum ? - ? 89 additional information activity depends on oxidation state of Fe protein, with reduced Fe protein about 2% of activity compared to oxidized substrate Rhodospirillum rubrum ? - ? 89 additional information DraG is capable of auto ADP-ribosylation when in excess of ADP-ribose, this reaction can function as an autoregulatory mechanism in vivo Rhodospirillum rubrum ? - ? 89 additional information the enzyme acts specifically towards a mono-ADP-ribosylated substrate, structure-function relationship, overview Azospirillum brasilense ? - ? 89 Nalpha-dansyl-Nomega-(1,N6-etheno-ADP-ribosyl)-arginine methyl ester - Rhodospirillum rubrum ADP-ribose + Nalpha-dansyl-Nomega-(1,N6-ethyl)-arginine methyl ester - ? 361323