3.2.1.B41 4-nitrophenyl beta-D-cellobioside + H2O - Thermus thermophilus 4-nitrophenyl beta-D-glucoside + D-glucose - ? 444785 3.2.1.B41 4-nitrophenyl beta-D-fucopyranoside + H2O - Thermus thermophilus 4-nitrophenol + D-fucose - ? 403955 3.2.1.B41 4-nitrophenyl beta-D-fucopyranoside + H2O - Thermus thermophilus HJ6 4-nitrophenol + D-fucose - ? 403955 3.2.1.B41 4-nitrophenyl beta-D-fucoside + H2O - Thermus thermophilus 4-nitrophenol + beta-D-fucose - ? 140034 3.2.1.B41 4-nitrophenyl beta-D-galactopyranoside + H2O - Thermus thermophilus 4-nitrophenol + D-galactose - ? 361145 3.2.1.B41 4-nitrophenyl beta-D-galactopyranoside + H2O - Thermus thermophilus HJ6 4-nitrophenol + D-galactose - ? 361145 3.2.1.B41 4-nitrophenyl beta-D-galactoside + H2O - Thermus thermophilus 4-nitrophenol + D-galactose - ? 13709 3.2.1.B41 4-nitrophenyl beta-D-glucopyranoside + H2O - Thermus thermophilus 4-nitrophenol + D-glucose - ? 361143 3.2.1.B41 4-nitrophenyl beta-D-glucopyranoside + H2O - Thermus thermophilus HJ6 4-nitrophenol + D-glucose - ? 361143 3.2.1.B41 4-nitrophenyl beta-D-glucoside + H2O - Thermus thermophilus 4-nitrophenol + D-glucose - ? 13708 3.2.1.B41 cellotetraose + H2O - Thermus thermophilus cellotriose + D-glucose - ? 372658 3.2.1.B41 additional information the enzyme has transglycosylation activity at high temperature and that various transfer products were formed in the reaction with lactose or cellobiose Thermus thermophilus ? - ? 89 3.2.1.B41 additional information the enzyme is highly specific for beta-linked sugars. The substrate can act not only as a glycosyl donor but also as a glycosyl acceptor. In addition, when the glucose is added to reaction mixtures, inhibition or activation is observed depending on both substrate concentration and temperature. A reaction model is proposed to explain the kinetic behavior of the enzyme. The scheme integrates the inhibition observed at high concentrations of substrate and the activation due to transglycosylation reactions implicating the existence of a transfer subsite Thermus thermophilus ? - ? 89 3.2.1.B41 additional information the enzyme has transglycosylation activity at high temperature and that various transfer products were formed in the reaction with lactose or cellobiose Thermus thermophilus HJ6 ? - ? 89