delta-carrageenan + H2O Cga-L50 is an endo-type delta-carrageenase that hydrolyzes beta-1,4-linkages of kappa-carrageenan, yielding neo-delta-carrabiose as the main product Bacillus sp. (in: Bacteria) neo-delta-carrabiose + ? - ? 430956 delta-carrageenan + H2O Cga-L50 is an endo-type delta-carrageenase that hydrolyzes beta-1,4-linkages of kappa-carrageenan, yielding neo-delta-carrabiose as the main product Bacillus sp. (in: Bacteria) Lc50-1 neo-delta-carrabiose + ? - ? 430956 lambda-carrageenan + H2O - Pseudoalteromonas sp. alpha-D-Galp2,6S2-(1-3)-beta-D-Galp2S-(1-4)-alpha-D-Galp2,6S2-(1-3)-D-Galp2S + ? - ? 385073 lambda-carrageenan + H2O - Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora neo-carrabiose oligosaccharides - ? 385074 lambda-carrageenan + H2O - Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora neo-lambda-carratetraose + neo-lambda-carrahexaose main reaction products, after prolonged incubation (22-50 h) increasing ratio of neo-lambda-carratetraose suggesting also the rise of a dimeric product arising from the cleavage of the hexamer ? 385075 lambda-carrageenan + H2O CglA hydrolase proceeds according to an endolytic mode of action and a mechanism of inversion of the anomeric configuration Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora neo-lambda-carratetraose + neo-lambda-carrahexaose neo-lambda-carratetraose is the main degradation product ? 385075 lambda-carrageenan + H2O sole known depolymerizing enzyme of lambda-carrageenan, hydrolyses the beta(1-4) linkage of lambda-carrageenan Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora neo-lambda-carratetraose + neo-lambda-carrahexaose main reaction products ? 385075 lambda-carrageenan + H2O - Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora ATCC 43555 neo-lambda-carratetraose + neo-lambda-carrahexaose main reaction products, after prolonged incubation (22-50 h) increasing ratio of neo-lambda-carratetraose suggesting also the rise of a dimeric product arising from the cleavage of the hexamer ? 385075 lambda-carrageenan + H2O sole known depolymerizing enzyme of lambda-carrageenan, hydrolyses the beta(1-4) linkage of lambda-carrageenan Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora ATCC 43555 neo-lambda-carratetraose + neo-lambda-carrahexaose main reaction products ? 385075 lambda-carrageenan + H2O - Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora ? - ? 417211 lambda-carrageenan + H2O - Pseudoalteromonas sp. CL19 ? - ? 417211 lambda-carrageenan + H2O - Bacillus sp. Lc50-1 ? - ? 417211 lambda-carrageenan + H2O product is NL4 Pseudoalteromonas sp. CL19 ? - ? 417211 lambda-carrageenan + H2O products are NL2, NL4 Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora ? - ? 417211 additional information kappa-, iota- and lambda-carrageenase display strict specificity for their substrates, namely kappa-, iota- and lambda-carrageenans, respectively. The enzymes discriminate the substrate probably by recognizing the sulfation pattern of the digalactose reapeting unit of the polysaccharide. lambda-Carrageenas present conserved arginine residues in the catalytic site which are believed to interact with carrageenans in which both sugar residues in the disaccharide units are negatively charged Bacillus sp. Lc50-1 ? - ? 89 neo-lambda-carrahexaose + H2O - Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora neo-lambda-carratetraose + neo-lambda-carrabiose - ? 423891 neo-lambda-carrahexaose + H2O - Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora ATCC 43555 neo-lambda-carratetraose + neo-lambda-carrabiose - ? 423891