calcidiol 1-monooxygenase keratinocyte cell line HaCaT 695625 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase keratinocyte cell line HaCaT 687266 IkappaB kinase keratinocyte cell line MCA3D (non-tumorigenic keratinocytes) highest IKK alpha expression, PDVC57 (moderately carcinogenic keratinocytes) show an important reduction in IKK alpha expression, HACa4 cells (highly tumorigenic) expression of IKK alpha is almost absent 691676 stratum corneum chymotryptic enzyme keratinocyte cell line the transcriptional changes 3 and 60 h after TNF treatment of normal, human papillomaviruses 16- and human papillomaviruses 18-immortalized keratinocytes is analyzed by microarray analysis. KLK7 shows a differential expression pattern associated with the differential response to TNF. KLK7 expression pattern is is equally expressed in TNF-treated or untreated human papillomaviruses 18-immortalized cells but it is not detected in normal primary keratinocytes or human papillomaviruses 16-immortalized cells 696984 3.4.21.B39 stratum corneum tryptic enzyme keratinocyte cell line pre-malignant keratinocyte cell line 717868 protein-arginine deiminase keratinocyte cell line - 209430