malfunction combined suppression of SlFRK1 and SlFRK2 severely inhibits plant growth and an anatomical analysis reveals a reduction in secondary xylem area and distorted phloem fibers characterized by thin cell walls and reduced lignification 758873 malfunction RNAi-mediated reduction of FRK2 activity in developing wood of hybrid aspen lead to the accumulation of soluble neutral sugars and a decrease in hexose phosphates and UDP-glucose. Reduced FRK2 activity also leads to thinner fiber cell walls with a reduction in the proportion of cellulose 723430 malfunction single knockouts of the fructokinase mutants do not exhibit any unusual phenotype. Double-mutants of AtFRK6 and AtFRK7 show normal growth in soil, but yield dark, distorted seeds. The double-mutants exhibit reduced fatty acid synthesis 759273 malfunction single knockouts of the fructokinase mutants do not exhibit any unusual phenotype. Double-mutants of AtFRK6 and AtFRK7 show normal growth in soil, but yield in dark, distorted seeds. The double-mutants exhibit reduced fatty acid synthesis 759273 malfunction specific suppression of SlFRK1 reduces water transport in stems, but had no other anatomical or phenotypic effects 758873 metabolism fructokinase plays roles in regulating sugar and sorbitol metabolism in Rosaceae plants. Increased activity of MdFRK2, a high affinity fructokinase, leads to upregulation of sorbitol metabolism and downregulation of sucrose metabolism in apple leaves 759325 metabolism role for fructokinase and endogenous fructose as mediators of acute renal disease. Fructokinase inhibition protects mice from ischaemic acute kidney injury 759832 metabolism sucrose metabolism -, 702719 metabolism to enter metabolism, fructose is phosphorylated by a fructokinase 758972 physiological function cotton plants transformed with a tomato fructokinase gene (FRK1) under the control of the CMV 35S promoter show increased fibre and leaf FRK activity over nonexpressing nulls, but not improved fibre length and strength. Compared with the nulls, FRK1 plants yield 13-100% more seed-cotton mass per boll and more bolls per. The enhanced yield is related to a greater seed number per boll for FRK1 plants. Photosynthetic rates are not appreciably different among genotypes. However, more area per leaf and leaf number for FRK1 plants than for nulls enhances the capacity for C gain. Larger leaf areas for FRK1 plants are associated with larger stem diameters 738309