ADP-D-ribosyl-(dinitrogen reductase) component of nitrogenase complex + H2O ADP-ribosylation of initrogenase reductase (NifH) occurs in response to addition of ammonium to the extracellular medium and is mediated by dinitrogenase reductase ADP-ribosyltransferase (DraT) and reversed by dinitrogenase reductase glycohydrolase (DraG). The PII protein GlnZ is implicated in regulation DraG. DraG binds to both the uridylylated and deuridylylated forms of GlnZ ADP-D-ribosyl-(dinitrogen reductase) component of nitrogenase complex + H2O nitrogenase activity in Rhodospirillum rubrum is post-translationally regulated by DRAG (dinitrogenase reductase glycohydrolase) and DRAT (dinitrogenase reductase ADP-ribosylation transferase). When a sudden increase in fixed nitrogen concentration or energy depletion is sensed by the cells, DRAG is inactivated and DRAT activated ADP-D-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] - ADP-D-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] component of nitrogenase complex - ADP-D-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] component of nitrogenase complex i.e. component II or Fe-protein, one of the two identical subunits of dinitrogen reductase ADP-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] + H2O - ADP-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] + H2O DraG removes ADP-ribose upon exposure of the bacteria to light or depletion of the nitrogen source added, regenerating the arginine guanidino group and activating the dinitrogenase reductase dimer ADP-ribosylated Fe-protein - additional information DraG is capable of auto ADP-ribosylation when in excess of ADP-ribose, this reaction can function as an autoregulatory mechanism in vivo